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16 Microhabits That Will Improve Your Life 1% Everyday

Life is all about the tiny decisions you make every day.

Success is not made by one big action but rather the accumulation of habits made over a long period of time.

But not all habits are created equally.

Some habits will move you forward. Others will move you backward.

You get to decide which ones you take.

Here are 16 micro-habits that are easy to do and scale to the amount of free time you have.

  1. Reading.

    By far the best ROI of any habit you can have. Reading gives you the ability to shortcut your learning curve and provides access to the best minds in the world. Read everything you can get your hands on.

  2. Exercise.

    The second most important habit. But you don’t need to be a gym rat to exercise. Engaging in daily movement that challenges your body is the best and cheapest antidepressant.

  3. Mindfulness.

    Being able to control your emotions is a superpower. If you can remain calm while most of the world is outraged, you’ll be more productive and successful.

  4. Writing.

    If you’re stuck in your own thoughts, write. If you’re lost on a topic, read. If you want to consolidate your learning, teach.

  5. Public speaking.

    Record yourself speaking in front of a camera every day. Even for only 2 minutes. No one else needs to see it. The first ten times you do this you will cringe, after a while, you’ll notice your confidence in public speaking getting better.

  6. Produce content.

    Pick a social media platform. Pick a niche you’re passionate about. Consistently put out 1 piece of content every day. After 1 year, you’ll see how much your life will change.

  7. A daily walk.

    No phone. No AirPods. Just take some time for your mind to wonder. A 15-minute walk is enough to clear any writer’s block or procrastination I’m feeling.

  8. Eight hours of sleep.

    No explanation is needed. You’re probably not getting enough sleep. Sleep more and enjoy the boost in your productivity and energy levels.

  9. Write down 10 new ideas every day.

    You’re only as good as your ideas. The day you stop thinking of new ideas is the day you die. Carry a small notepad with you to come up with ideas where ever you are.

  10. Listen to a podcast of someone you don’t like.

    I always make it a point to listen to guests I disagree with. My favorite people to challenge my mind are Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. I disagree with 90% of what they say but they improve my thinking.

  11. Calling someone on the phone you miss.

    Don’t hesitate to reach out to someone you miss. You will almost never regret it. And it is never as awkward as you think it will be.

  12. Say ‘yes’ to something that is outside your comfort zone.

    This could be big or small. Anything that challenges you is good for the soul. You get to learn a new skill and get insights about yourself.

  13. Say ‘no’ to something that constantly takes your energy.

    This could be big or small. Anything that takes energy away from you is energy that could have been spent elsewhere.

  14. Celebrate small wins.

    The accumulation of small wins creates the momentum for big wins. I keep a journal where I log every win for the day, no matter how small. When I review it at the end of the day I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

  15. Use the phrase “yes, and” more.

    Instead of shooting down someone’s idea by saying ‘yes, but we’ve tried that before.’ Reframe it to ‘yes, and we’ve got experience in that domain’. One response shuts an idea down. Another promotes more discussion.

  16. Minimize negative words.

    Words program your brain. Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right. How you program your mind becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Being positive is free. Being negative is costly.

You don’t need to do all these 16 habits every day.

I would suggest picking 1–5 habits you can do 90% of the time.

Just like your finances, habits compound. Good habits make time your friend. Bad habits make time your enemy.

Choose wisely.


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